Parenting Blueprint, on replay/online course in english

Welcome to the parenting blueprint. 

When Fattima found out the messages her son was giving her though his way of being, acting out, getting angry and not listening, she truly came onto her path. It’s profound when we as parents understand the spiritual sign our children give us. The message is hidden, we often don’t see the message.

Our children are constantly trying to connect to our spirit and often we parents don’t understand the messages, because it’s in the hidden language. Fattima wants to help you undertand these messages, and to translate the messages for you so you truly come into your being together with your children.

The magic of connecting with your Childs spirit is the best thing you can do for you and your child.

To be a parent today is a much more conscious business than ever before. More and more parents are starting to wake up in this new paradigm… and wanting to give their children a different background and childhood than they had themselves. 

We all have our story, our traumas and our ways of being, and often it is rooted in our early days. 

Would you like to learn how to become the best support and inspiration for your child? 

In this blueprint Fattima will dive deep into the role of the parents. It’s a sensitive topic for many, as we are all afraid to do anything wrong, and potentially create enviroments where our children do not feel safe and loved. 

Is this for you?

  • Do you loose your temper?

  • Do you blame your child?

  • Do you think your child is annoying, crazy, too much or just can’t seem to understand why they keep triggering you? 

  • Do you ever get frustrated because you just don’t have the tools or knowledge to understand or meet your child where they are in their development?

  • are you a mom to be, new mom, or have children already? maybe you have bonus-children you would love to connect to better?

  • you live with a family mixed with different personalities, and temperaments and can’t find the balance?

  • you just want to get more wisdom, and learn something that can support you as a parent?

Just to let you in on a secret… All the emotions of anger, annoyance, frustration, sadness and guilt you feel are actually you child/children trying to teach you to stay in your spirit. This is a part of you lifepath and will make you grow as a human when you start see and connect the red dots.

It all has to do with yourself and your mental patterns. And that’s a huge trigger for many of us, because it wil force us to look within, even when it’s hard. When we are triggered, we have two options… learn the tricks and how to’s in this parenting blueprint.

If you feel triggered, and still feel like you want to break the old pattern of your family, ancestors and yourself - please know - all feelings are allowed here and Fattima will support your every step of the way. 

You will get:

  • 4 live zoom calls on replay with techniques, meditations and easy-to-implement tools to create a better enviroment for your family

  • You will learn and understand why you act like you do and why your child reacts the way it does (it’s all linked to your potential on earth.)

  • You will find a deeper level of compassion and love towards yourself and your past

  • You will begin to understand and react to your child/children differently as your level of knowledge keeps expanding througout this course.

  • You will see yourself and your life from another perspective as you will hear others stories and see how much they resonate with your own

  • you will be seen and hear - and listened to - and you will learn how to change the pattern, habits and previous mental ideas of what you “have to do” and “should do”

Know you are doing everything you can - the best way you can. Just like your parents did the best they could with what tools they had. But if you feel like you would like to learn more, on how to be a parent in this new generation of children, please follow that instinct and lean into the sacred space of alternative parenting in this blueprint. 

Practical info:

You choose how much energy and hours you like to spend between the lives. and you can find the time as it works with your life. All lives can be watched on replay. Fattima always recommend to spend at least 5 minutes each day, to meditate and to connect with your higher self.


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Tantric Blueprint, 4 weeks ONLINE course in english